Posts by Klonan

Friday Facts #203 - Logistic buffer chest

Posted by kovarex & Klonan on 2017-08-11

Further optimisations I finished the item stack optimisations mentioned in FFF-198, and was able to do some performance tests. First I tested how many stacks on a big map actually need to use an externally allocated object (Item), and how many of them are plain. On the huge map I tested, it turned out that only 36K out of 1M stacks need the Item object. These were mainly science packs, as they need it for the progress of how used-up they are (and now when I think about it, it could also be omitted by only using the objects for science packs that are partially used up already). Overall factory performance was increased approximately 2% by this. It is nothing huge, but every bit matters. One of the programmer that has read access to the code (Zulan), came up with a pull request that improves performance in Factorio by prefetching memory in the update loops ahead. The problem when normally updating objects is, that CPU asks for memory representing the object. The memory is slow, at least compared to the CPU cache or the CPU speed. The memory transfer speed itself is not that slow, but the waiting (latency) time between ordering and receiving it is. This means, that what very often happens is, that CPU orders data of next entity from the memory, then it waits for quite a long time to get it, and then it does its logic. The memory prefetching partially solves it by doing this: Order data of the next entity from memory (prefetch) Do the logic of the current entity in the meantime Go back to start The overall measured performance improvements vary between 9-12%, which is certainly a nice addition.

Friday Facts #197 - Chugging along

Posted by Klonan on 2017-06-30

Hello, not much at all has happened this week. It has been rather quiet with the Art department out of office the last few days. However there has been some additional success on our recruitment drive, so there will be an additional 3-4 bodies (live) in the office within the next month.

Friday Facts #196 - Back on track

Posted by Rseding91, Twinsen & Klonan on 2017-06-23

Hello, after a lot of planning and preparation, the party on Saturday went very well. We really enjoyed spending time with some of our fans, and it has definitely sharpened our motivation to do right by our community and make the game as great as possible. With this festivity behind us, we started this week with some renewed focus.

Friday Facts #193 - Party planning & plans

Posted by Klonan & V453000 on 2017-06-02

Hello, it has been a pretty hot week here in Prague, and we have finally wheeled-out and hooked-up our little air-conditioning unit, which has been making a valiant effort to keep the office cool.

Friday Facts #190 - The quiet days

Posted by Klonan on 2017-05-12

Hello, it's been a rather quiet week here in the office, with all of the teams attention towards fixing bugs and other minor issues.

Friday Facts #188 - Bug, Bug, Desync

Posted by Klonan & Twinsen on 2017-04-28

0.15 release I would be surprised if you are reading this blog and didn't know that we released the 0.15 experimental this Monday. After more than 6 months of work and effort put in, we are really happy to finally see everyone playing and enjoying it so much. We'd like to thank you all for the feedback and suggestions we've received, and for being patient with us when we couldn't keep to our plans. The whole team here is committed first and foremost to making as great a game as possible. While the delays were not insignificant, we really hope we have met your expectations and delivered on what we have promised. Initially we had a small issue with our new config system and a script we use for Steam cloud syncing, leading to the game looking for a value which was no longer there. Thankfully HanziQ solved the problem in short time, and we released 0.15.1 just 3 hours later. The rest of the week ran pretty smoothly with the typical bugfixing, while the majority of the GFX department takes a well deserved break. If you are interested in seeing an overview of all the new features, you have a choice of British or American flavour, provided by MangledPork and Xterminator respectively:

Friday Facts #186 - Marathon testing

Posted by Klonan on 2017-04-14

Hello, another week of tepid weather here, but the work on the final necessities to 0.15.0 continues with full force. More playtesting We started a new map on Monday, we wanted to see how the game feels with our new 'marathon' map preset, which (among other things) makes many recipes more expensive. What may seem like blasphemy to some, the expensive setting also changes a few of the normal recipe ratios, so new designs had to be thought up: Automated testing 2 A long time ago we talked about our automated testing in FFF-62, and over the last 2 years and 4 major versions, we've added quite significantly to our suite of tests. We have our server constantly running all these tests 24/7, and when something breaks it sends out a sternly worded email to the developers who made the latest commits to the repository. Its sometimes surprising how some innocent change can break some wholly unrelated tests, but it certainly helps us catch these issues before they make it out the door. This might be quite a short Friday facts, but we are trying to spend as much time getting things ready for release. If you have any thoughts or feedback, please let us know on our forum

Friday Facts #185 - Progress report

Posted by Klonan on 2017-04-07

Hello, the sunny spring weather seems to have taken a break these last few days after Denis' arrival to the office. His work continues on the belts optimization, as the rest of the team has been playtesting 0.15, as well as closing off remaining minor features on our Trello board.

Friday Facts #181 - Calm before the storm

Posted by Klonan & V453000 on 2017-03-10

Work this week has been progressing nicely on 0.15. We hope we will be able to start our internal play testing soon, as the team works to close off the rest of the major features. Rseding will be arriving here in Prague next week for another of his infamous visits, and Harkonnen will be joining us shortly after, so the office will be prepared for tackling any issues that may arise. Since we are going to be spending the next period polishing and fixing what we already have, you can look forward to some less interesting FFF posts in the coming days. Take the lack of exiting new topics to cover as a good omen that the whole team's effort is on getting everything ready for the release.

Friday Facts #178 - Minimal mode and Mini-tutorials

Posted by Klonan on 2017-02-17

Hello, the office has had a very lively atmosphere this week. With some very productive team discussions taking place, we reach another Friday with an optimistic outlook of the weeks to come.