
Factorio in the library

Posted by Tomas on 2013-05-20

Hi everyone, one of our indiegogo contributors works in the library in Prague and he asked us to make a presentation about Factorio in there. We said yes. The presentation will take place this Thursday (23rd of May) at 18:00 in the Suchdol Library in Prague. The entry is free. The details are on the web of the library. There you can also find the directions. The presentation will most probably be held in the Czech language. We will be talking about how the Factorio development started, what we went through before the indiegogo, what is it like to do a fund raising campaign, what are we doing now, etc. There will be a lot of room for discussion as well. Depending on the interest among participants we might move to a nearby bar afterwards. If you are from the Prague or vicinity and are interested in some backstage information about Factorio development then you are more then welcome to join us on Thursday.

Factorio 0.4.1 released

Posted by Tomas on 2013-05-06

Hello guys, Factorio 0.4.1 has just been released! This is a bugfix release to the 0.4.0 update that has been made on Friday. The 0.4.0 has been tested by the guys at the forum and in 0.4.1 we provide bugfixes to the things they found. Let's have a look at the biggest changes introduced in the 0.4.0 and 0.4.1. The main theme has been the trains. Connected rolling stocks form a train. The trains can be assigned schedules of stations to visit. In the station the train can be loaded / unloaded an refueled. There are also semaphores to guide trains in the railway network. Apart from this we have also fixed some bugs in how railroads and rolling stocks work. Further information about how railway transportation works is available at our wiki. Apart from the trains we have added quite some functionality to the electricity. There are three new elements for energy distribution: the medium electric pole, the big electric pole and the substation. They all have different properties and are appropriate for different situations. Also there is the long awaited accumulator. Now finally even in night the factories can be protected from the alliens by the laser turrets. We have invested a lot of time into the tuning the determinism. The game is now (almost) fully deterministic. This is a necessary first step towards the multiplayer. Players can see our effort in action already in the replay functionality. Because of the determinism limitations the replaying functionality works only on the games that has been played within the same version with the same sets of mods all the time (and started in 0.4.1). As usual the release contains a lot of fixes and extensions in the scripting. As a result some of the 0.3.x version of the mods (especially those using a lot of scripting functionality) might cause errors with the new version. This can be repaired by using updated mods (when that happens). As before, the new version is compatible with all the previous saves. We really don't want the players to lose the games they have spent so much time with. After the long time of waiting we have added more Linux support. Next to the .deb package there is now a generic .tar package available for download. This is aimed at the more experienced users who will be able to deal with the dependencies themselves. That was longer than expected. The release details are available as usual on our forums. Time to go for a run to clear the head:)

The Perks (Part 1)

Posted by Tomas on 2013-04-15

Hello, recently we have been programming day and night to ship the features we have promised for Factorio 0.4.0 release. However apart from that we also found some time to start delivering the promises we made in the Indiegogo campaign. So this is an update on the state of perks delivery from Indiegogo and the preorder. To start with I will repeat the obvious. All the membership accounts are eligible for Factorio alpha access, beta access and full release (when these are made). This is including all the future updates. Whenever someone buys Factorio membership he immediately receives upgrade code and can go and play the alpha right away. On top of this the Furnace Attendant tier promises digital factorio wallpapers and a scenario pack. The wallpapers are ready and if you have the Furnace Attendant (or higher) membership you can download them already. The wallpapers are available on your user settings page. Just click your username at the top right of the screen and scroll down. The wallpapers come in different resolutions. These are some of the most common resolutions in terms of widht : height ratio. If your resolution is not there you might still use a wallpaper with the same width : height ratio and higher resolution. For instance if your resolution is 1280 : 800 you can use the 1680 : 1050 which has the same width : heigh ratio. Originally we promised three wallpapers based on our theme pictures. However we decided to add some more. So at the moment our concept artist is working on two additional theme pictures which will be available as wallpapers as well in the near future. The other highly anticipated perk is the scenario pack. We are working on that right now. The first version of the scenario pack will be available together with the Factorio 0.4.0 release at the end of April. As mentioned already the scenario pack will be work in progress as well. We intend to keep adding new content until we feel "it's right". The Mining Drill Operator on top of these contains the "name in the game" and the Concept Art Book. First backer names will appear in Factorio 0.4.0. If you have the Mining Drill Operator tier or higher you can already insert your name into the form at the user setting page (below the wallpapers). Before every release (starting Factorio 0.4.0) all these names will be collected and exported into the list directly in the game. The names from the list will be used as name tags for different machines in the game, train stations, etc. The concept art book should be released by the end of April as well. Even though our concept artist spent a lot of time with the concepts in the art book we are still not sure whether it is up to the standards. Therefore we will name it version one and it might get updated in the future. Also we are toying with an interesting idea regarding this topic at the moment. We have sort of internal graphical wiki using Google sites. We use it for communication with Albert (main graphic behind the game), for sharing graphic proposals, concepts and finished sprites. What we are considering is to give readonly access to this wiki as part of the Mining Drill Operator tier or higher. This way people could actually see the process of graphical shaping of Factorio. Things that never made it into the game, evolution of some machines graphics, etc. We are still not sure whether this is a good idea so in case you would find this interesting please let us know (email, forum, facebook). Last thing regards the Inserter Constructor. This tier was only available during the Indiegogo campaign. After the campaign ended we sort of felt that the tier was a bit overpriced. That is the reason why for the preorder on the site we created the new tier Mining Drill Operator with pretty much the same content but cheaper. This can naturally happen however we feel it would be correct to somehow compensate the people who bought the Inserter Constructor tier. One thing we came up with would be giving them an extra upgrade code for Factorio which they can use as a gift for someone they know. Again this is something we are considering at the moment so if you have any ideas in this regard please let us know. Ok enough talking. Go and download those wallpapers and put them to your screens;)

Factorio 0.3.0 released

Posted by Tomas on 2013-03-29

Hello everyone, we have just released Factorio 0.3.0 ! We took quite some time and put a our effort into this release. There is a lot of internal refactoring and preparations which won't be visible to the player but they will make our live a lot easier in the future. We are "tying our laces before setting for a run". Apart from that we have put quite some effort into improving modding capabilities. Uptil now making and using mods was just for the hardcore fans of the game. We really see the importance of good modding system so we started building one. The mods are now standalone packages and allow for much easier and cleaner combination. Together with modding improvements we updated our Lua scripting API based on the feedback gathered from our forums. Apart from code changes there is some new graphics in the game. Our graphic Albert has spent more than two weeks here in the Prague. That allowed us to get a lot of work done. There are new inserters, turrets, walls, etc. Even though these all pieces are new graphic they might not be the final version. At the moment Albert is working on a high level artistic direction for the game. That might look like quite late (with the game already in the alpha). But better late than never :). The release is marked as experimental. This means that in order to download it you need to click the "experimental" link on our download page next to the "Download" title. After the release gets tested and no serious bugs are reported it will be marked as stable. Allright, enough of the talking. You can find more details about the changes on our forums. Now go and test the 0.3.0 out ;)

Preorder Started

Posted by Tomas on 2013-03-18

Hello, as promised we have started the Factorio Alpha preorder today. Our PayPal funds have finally been unlocked and delivered to our bank account. Therefore it will be possible to buy the game with both Bitcoins and via the PayPal. The PayPal also accepts credit cards from the users who don't have the PayPal account. However our recommended payment solution is the Bitcoins. We believe that Bitcoins have a huge potential to become a world-wide online currency. We are proud to sell Factorio accounts with Bitcoins. At the moment there are three membership tiers for you to select from. When you perform the preorder you will automatically receive an email with your account upgrade code. This will allow you to upgrade your account and get the alpha version of the game immediately. The extra contents on top of the Alpha access (wallpapers, scenario packs, etc.) is not ready yet. We are working on this. By preordering you are supporting further Factorio development. Thank you !

Preorder starting soon

Posted by Tomas on 2013-03-15

Hello, here is an update on the status of the alpha preorder. We have received a lot of emails with people asking whether and how it will be possible to buy the access to the alfa version of the game. Originally it wasn't our plan to have any preorder while the game is in the early stages of the development. However we listened to the inputs from the people who have missed the Indiegogo campaign and we have decided to setup a preorder directly on our website. The preorder will be done in a similar fashion as the Indiegogo campaign. We will start with couple of membership tiers offering different perks to the users. The tiers will more or less correspond to those in the Indiegogo campaign. The lowest tier will be 10€ and the alpha access will be present in all of them. At the moment we are still working on preparations of the extra perks on top of the alpha access. Those will be delivered later. For now the preorder will be done via PayPal and BitPay. PayPal allows both direct PayPal payments as well as credit card payments. All done in EUR currency. On the other hand BitPay is a Bitcoin payment solution. We are also working on adding direct debit card payments in USD. However those are not ready yet. Ok finally the important information. The preorder is planned to start on 18th of March 2013 (next Monday). We had some issues with PayPal (yet again:)) and they should hopefully be resolved by that date. If all goes well will start the preorder. Thanks for waiting.

What next ?

Posted by Tomas on 2013-03-07

Hi guys, here is a promised update on the next steps after the Indiegogo. We have compiled a list of questions and answers and put them on our forum. Feel free to post comments and your opinions over there. There are also two news regarding the team: Indiegogo funds have allowed us to hire a new member. Kuba is a friend of ours and a very capable C++ developer. He will probably be spending half of his time on Factorio. We have given him a bunch of tasks already :) Our main graphic Albert came to Prague for a while to get more work done on Factorio. This will allow us to communicate better and move forward with the artistic side of the game. We will be posting some pictures of the Factorio team in work soon so stay tuned ;)

Indiegogo Campaign Is Over

Posted by Tomas on 2013-03-04

Hello everyone, our Indiegogo campaign has ended today. And we think it was a big success. We basically went from: "Lets get a job and forget Factorio" to "Lets finish Factorio and forget the job". We collected a decent amount of money that will allow us to continue Factorio development for the near future. We are sure you are eager to get more information. What will happen next ? When will I get my reward ? What if I missed the Indiegogo and want to play ? etc. Please be patient :) We are compiling a list of questions like these (with answers) and will put them out in the matter of days. In the end we would like to express our BIG THANK YOU to all of you who have backed our campaign. It means the unviverse to us. Last month was like a dream. Seeing Factorio slowly spread across the internet was an amazing feeling. We will do all we can to make a great game for you.

Indiegogo Last Week

Posted by Tomas on 2013-02-26

Hello guys,just a short catchup today. We have entered the last week of our Indiegogo campaign. Things have been going well recently. We have more than 1000 contributors and we are over 13 500 euro. This means that with 6 days still left we now stand on 20 % time left and 20 % contributions missing to reach our goal.This looks very positive. The campaign is not over, but considering our slow started we are now quite optimistic regarding the outcome. There is a great community forming at our forums. People over there are helping us by reporting bugs and posting their ideas. We also have a section for sharing the user's creations. There are already quite some amazing factories to check out. If you are new to Factorio, the forums is a great place to start. Thanks a lot to all of you supporting Factorio. We are working hard to match your expectations.

Almost 10 000

Posted by Tomas on 2013-02-22

Hello everyone,Yesterday evening I was looking forward to writing a post about how you guys are great and how you have managed to push us through the 10 000 euro barrier in the Indiegogo campaign. I didn't write it. We didn't reach the magical number and I simply went to bed. Today in the morning it was already suspicious that nothing was happening. Usually during the night here in the Europe we would get like 200 euro or more in contributions. I suppose that is from the guys over in the US. But today it was an absolute zero. Something was fishy. I tried to do the 1 euro contribution via the Paypal but it failed with a following message:We are sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties. Please try again later. If this error occurred while making a payment, avoid duplicate payments by checking your Account Overview before resending a payment For some browsers, this problem can be resolved by clearing or deleting cookies. Message 3608I tried to use the Chrome anonymous window but with no success either. However the strange thing is that we have been getting emails all day today from users saying that they contributed to our campaign. This thing is very perplexing to us. We have contacted both the Indiegogo and the Paypal support and are waiting for their answers. Unfortunately there is nothing more we can do at the moment than to wait. We can't really verify the users claiming they have contributed to our campaign. If this is your case please be patient. We will get in touch with you once the systems start working or once we hear from Indiegogo/Paypal what has actually happened. We appreciate all your support and we hope this will not harm your experience from playing Factorio.